Bladdy Thing

Oh I’m being a bad blipper, not looking and commenting even on my own stuff. I’ve suddenly got busy and stressed. And today’s particular stress was promising Dougal frae Dundee that I’d change the fuel filter. A simple enough job. Except the accessibility isn’t the best. And the thing was more jammed on than I anticipated. And my filter strap wrench began to crush it rather than untighten it. When it eventually shifted I could have thrown myself down and given thanks to the heavens. 
Earlier I’d spent an hour or two writing a briefing paper for the WBRA - the latest (and hopefully final) instalment of the planning saga.
And later a premiere up at the Cameo as they’re often doing - Nothing Like A Dame with Judi Dench, Maggie Smith, Eileen Atkins and Joan Plowright. A real treat - and Maggie Smith was an absolute star. 
So, on to the Diggers to see Liverpool - Roma. Of course Liverpool were never in danger. 7-3 at one point, wasn’t it? When it went to 7-6 though….

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