Jimmy, Finn, Yasmin and I

By Caronie

Home-grown Halloween

Halloween is always a fun time of year and often growing up I would make my poor mum have fancy dress parties for all the local kids on the estate. Favourite outfits included a cat and witch. I loved it. Trick or treating was also a favourite. All harmless fun in those days of course.

So now I can enjoy this time of year with my boys. Finlay was really curious about the carved home-grown courgettes (the very last of the season from our veg patch) and tried to take the lids off them to put them in his mouth. He has been sporting his skull and cross-bones tee with his grey striped bottoms today and un-characteristically managed to keep them on all day without getting drool and sick all over them.

For tea I made tempura prawns followed by butternut squash and bacon risotto. Perfect for the dark, wet evening this Halloween has turned out to be. As I write this blip Jimmy and I are sitting in our snug watching the fire roaring up the chimney listening to some old school tunes (Crowded House) drinking mulled wine. Hmmmm, a good night methinks. Xx

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