This Bullfinch is twice the size of the others and never seems to stop eating. My extra is for a little colour as we have really grey and damp weather. Hoping the weather changes as I am having my lovely eldest granddaughter to stay as she is finished University and has arranged some photo shoots. Really looking forward to having her and to see her work.
Went early dog walk but did not see much this morning, then went for the shopping, after that I spent in the garden between the light showers. I have now just finished steam cleaning all the floors.
Youngest son is bringing Rachel over tomorrow and we are hoping to meet up with my eldest son for a coffee in Glasgow. A busy few days ahead.
Hopefully I will get down to the care home later on.
Many thanks for visiting my, probably boring journal.
Hope you all have a wonderful Bank Holiday.
PS Forgot to say the people who run the canal, contacted me to say they would get a sign for not feeding the swans bread. Hooray!

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