A MIMent In Time

By justmim

"That'll do, pig"

Currently sat on my bed eating a yummy, custard covered pudding :)

Today was my final report which was reassuringly positive. All aims achieved and significant progress made after a challenging first half :)

And with that-first module of final year is passed!

I think this may go quicker than I am psychologically prepared for!

So just a day of handing over patients and attending one last meeting tomorrow. Then Friday? Cake day!

It has been a challenge, but a positive one and I'm thankful for lots! Not least reassuringly regular tea breaks and almost daily doses of laughter :)

And for the first time ever my placement portfolio (that tidy pile of papers you see pictured) is effectively complete before placement has even finished. Now that's an achievement in itself!

Looking forward to the next challenge :)

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