Bouncing back

Didn’t post this yesterday as didn’t want people to read about it on here before we had told people

Munchie had a suspected appendicitis
If it wasn’t for an amazing paeds gp at our surgery we would have ended up 999 and going up hospital.
The glands in her stomach were causing her significant pain / she was screaming in pain.

Was so scary seeing her look so scared and vulnerable

She slept well last night, although she did need calpol around 2am
She then cane into our room and munchie and I snuggled till about 9:30
She then asked to go to school

Dropped her at school about 10:30
Picked wom up from nursery and went to sports day at munchies school

Due to being off this morning she only did two races- but she won both of them!

She’s tired tonight
Think lee and I feel a bit battered

It’s been a long week

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