Give Up
When both Windows in ‘Boot Camp’ and the Mac itself tell you that the hard disk is just about to fail you know it’s time to throw in the towel.
I intended to change out the Mac for a high end Microsoft based pooter anyway, so rather than go through the painful business of building a new hard disk, including loading the thirteen disks that make up ‘Final Cut Pro’ – far to advanced a program to edit home videos on, and Bootcamp so the I can run my normal programs like Pinnacle video editing, I will be giving it away for spares with all the discs so that it can be re-loaded by someone who cares (should they want to) . . .
In the mean time it’s a case of stripping out all the programs that I want to re-use, and personal data etc, ready to give away.
Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.
Will get back to commenting shortly.
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