Footprints made by Izzy

By IzzyandME

{Happy Halloween!}

Here's my girl with her friend ready for trick or treating!

The day started off early as we both woke up feeling rubbish, coughing and sneezing everywhere, we went into town to pick a little something up for Izzy (shhhhhhh don't tell James!!) early this morning and obviously had to go dressed up in her halloween costume!! Then home to play, bake cakes, colouring, do some handwriting and general play! Then this afternoon we watched Monsters Inc, snuggled and fell asleep for a few mins then off to gymnastics. It was parents day so we got to watch how they are getting on. I cannot believe how her confidence has grown, she leads the class, runs around and trys every move that is asked of her ......... she still has mummies lack of grace but by heck she tries!!!
Then after gymnastics we did a quick change into her witches outfit then off for her first ever trick or treat outing! She was nervous but really enjoyed it and of course VERY polite!!

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