Alfie Picnic

I flew in from Newark this morning and soon after arriving home my friend Helen came to see me. Helen normally lives in Tanzania but is back in the UK for a few weeks visiting family and friends. Today she had a dentist appointment in my village so we made plans to see each other afterwards. Helen is a good friend and I knew she’d take me however she found me, even in a jet-lagged state!

After a cup of tea in the garden, Helen got her nose into a good book, and I had a long nap on my garden swing. Once I was somewhat awake we went out for an afternoon outing - a walk around a lake at a nearby country park (see Extra photos), followed by a picnic. Helen hadn’t met Alfie the campervan yet. Alfie is great, not just for camping, but also for outings. It’s great to be able to pull up somewhere, get the table and chairs out and make a proper cup of tea. All very civilised!

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