cactus colors...

...caught underfoot

in some forest growth... found as i was out walking -

i felt a pinch on my foot - because i'm still wearing my flipflops, ya know - and shuffling through the undergrowth of the forest debris - i looked down to see what my toes had run into... i didn't notice anything at first - kept going... felt it again - boo! then sunlight hit this purply color - ha... what's that - looking again - i saw the little cactus - then what i suppose are flowers... are they flowers, people? well, i never... is this what cactus flowers look like after all? surely not... but they're some kind of somethin' - growing from the top of this cactus thingy... enough to intrigue me to snap some shots of it to share with you...

because as we wander through our days... through life - we should be on the lookout for different, don't you think? different is what helps us to carry on - keep going... motivates us - encourages us to continue to explore what else is out there... if we constantly press up against the same hum-drum of the ordinary - day after day after day... that would get mighty boring - what would we then have to look forward to - get excited about - be thrilled over...

so even though i'm not exactly certain what this is - flower or not... it is colorful - and different... out of the ordinary - i might go so far as to say exemplary - and exactly what leads to...


happy day.....

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