
This morning Nick's dad made the hard decision to take Tubbs to the vets. He'd not been well for a while now and the past few days he'd been getting worse.

Very sad day =(

Me and Nick took a quick trip into town to the local reptile shop to get some crickets for Cali and when we got back we nipped across to the cemetery with the camera. Two minutes in we saw a big fluffy black cat trotting towards us. Nick isn't much of a cat person, but I am so I encouraged it over and let it suss me out before fussing it. It followed us all the way around the cemetery. Well, almost... It saw some feathers on the ground, wood pigeon I think, and was more interested in the scent of that than us... So we headed on home.

I hope Sunday is less eventful and allows us to have a nice day off together. Fingers crossed Wednesday will be dry and means we can go somewhere without half term being in the way and we can just... Relax.

Also found a phrase in Latin that I would love to get tattooed one day, if my dermatographism allows - Ad astra per aspera - to the stars through difficulty. I guess everyone can relate to it, but I like it.

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