
This morning we went to Rugby.  CyclopsJnr was beautifully behaved, and did some great passing and kicking.

He was pretty tired afterwards - he whined after lunch when I took him for his nap, but then as he was settling down he said "Daddy, sorry I was whining and shouting, I very tired."  Bless.

A good nap then over two hours playing in the park in the sunshine.  Much of the time he wore his zippy top dangling by his hood as a superhero cape, and told everyone he saw he was batman.  He was adopted for a while by a group of older kids (age 10 maybe?) who found him hilarious, and later he adopted a boy with some canine facepaint to be his doggy.  He dashed around the whole time, and was sociable and well behaved.  It was really quite lovely.

Home for dinner, and I think he's pretty tired again now...

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