Learning day by day

By EmmaF


Day trip to London today. Had intended to go to Whipsnade, but it shuts at 4pm and I was fairly convinced that William would crash in the car on the way home, so I decided to try something else.

On the 10.00 train and then tube and DLR to Canary Wharf. We admired one of Daddy's stations while we found somewhere to have a drink and look at the map before we headed to the London Museum, Docklands. I would like to go back with Carys on my own. It was well laid out and she was quite interested in a fair few things, but my ability to explain was somewhat hampered by the small boy who only wanted to show me ships/boats.

On to the Mudlarks play area which was good. A small soft play for those under 1m, a wooden Victorian dock with magnets on cargo and cranes to play with, deep sea diver helmets, sacks to lift with and withour pulleys and a cross section of ship to load with cargo without making it list.

On to North Greenwich (the 2nd of Daddy's stations) to go on the cable cars. Disaster, shut due to high winds. This was difficult to explain to small people as they were actually moving but with no passengers! So slight wobbles later we were back on the tube and two tubes later were back at KC for the train home. At this point W had walked almost everywhere, despite asking to go in the sling, so once we got back to Hitchin he was allowed a ride home. Carys asked for a taxi! She didn't get one, but she did get neurofen for her painful knees when we got home.

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