Cycling statue

Lovely day today.  I got up early again, and got packed up before heading into work.  Came round the corner into Watling Street, and had to stop and get my camera out when I spotted this - the bike's just parked in front of the statue, but it fits in so well with the statue's pose.  They were made for each other!

Had a good day at work, and a nice sit in the sunshine with Char, Mags and Rosie at lunchtime, over at the Barbican.  Then hotfooted it over to Victoria after work to catch my coach down to Somerset.  Uneventful journey (the best sort), reading and watching several episodes of The End of the F***ing World on my phone.  Got into Wells just before 10pm, and went over to my sister's for a short while.  Then picked up my Mum's car and drove it over to hers.  Had a quick catch up with her before she went to sleep, called Tim and headed off to bed myself.

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