
I was tired this morning! Three late nights in a row is too much for me and every day was full on!
I had our monthly review call at 9:30 am and was glad when it was over. 
Irineu was coming at 1 pm and I stopped working at 12 to prepare at least a little bit and review some vocabulary!
The class was ok, but it would have been better if I had done some work on it.

I spent most of the afternoon on the phone but made it out to Black Pine for 20 minutes between calls.
Glasgow was wet, cold and ugly today!

Back home more calls until I had to leave the house to meet Doris for dinner in the Hanoi Bike shop! Our usual when she is in town.
As always we had a really good time and lovely food. She told me everything about her 2 weeks Salsa classes in Cuba in Winter!
I fancy some place like this over my big birthday in December. I want to be far away from anything “Christmas”, and Cuba seems an interesting location.
Let’s see!
We were the last guests as usual and walked home together. I was in the door before midnight and saw that I had a missed call on the work phone! I was about to open my emails, but managed to stop myself! Not a good idea to maybe open a can of worms that would keep me up more hours!!
I needed some sleep!

Blipping Doris. 
Shi*e background though but I did not fancy to photoshop it.

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