Tortola Day 4

The weekend has arrived, so that meant that today's course could be 9-5, that of course meant that most of the laid back locals arrived around 09:30....we also had 3 new people who just hadn't felt like doing yesterday's session, which is hard on them as the course requires a minimum of 16hours f2f time...

Sadly 4 people won't be able to record a pass based on todays test paper, 3 of them were the late arrival.

After work we headed to a glorious little beach P&Y wanted to show me - there's a storm battered but still wonderful reef. An hours snorkelling barely scratched the surface but I saw:
Blue Tang
Bluehead wrasse
Sergeant Major
Barred Hamlet
Staghorn Coral
Brain Coral
Sea Fan
And many more I coulde identify.

Tomorrow Ive a free morning, so Im going to visit some areas the Red Cross have been working, as I think three glorious beach shots, though wonderful to see and experience, don't report the reality of life here.

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