
By Igor

the long goodbye

We’ve had plenty of time to prepare for this moment, but it’s still hard when it finally comes.  We took Mollymay down to Heathrow this morning to catch her flight back to Australia.

Before we left, Glyn (MM’s husband) facetimed her - and about 5’ later, other sister Sue also facetimed her to say goodbye.  So we arranged two iPads at about 90 degrees to each other on the dining room table and had a 3-way conversation between Milton Keynes, Warrington and Perth (WA).  Isn’t technology amazing?

Mollymay is sad, but glad to be going home; she even managed to freek out her dog Milo who was racing round the living room in Oz wondering when her voice was coming from.

Goodbye Sis-in-Law - hope to see you before too long.

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