
When I was leaving yesterday I noticed a thrush guarding one of his offspring in the next door neighbours garden. ( I checked and apparently the male looks after the fledglings as mum prepares for the next brood!) It had a hunched back but when I gave it a saucer of water boy could it move.When I came home there was no sign of it.This morning I heard it cheeping and decided to put it in a box. Well it raced from one garden to the next, with the occasional flapping of wings that just about lifted it off the ground. As our houses are on a hill with no fences it made it through 3 gardens before I managed to catch it! I put it in a large box under the huge Fatsia with some water and food, I left the top open so dad could fly in and feed it if he chose. On returning from the allotment several hours later I saw it's dad so decided to let it out. Big mistake - it flapped down onto the path and into the road and to my horror two cars and a lorry drove down the road! How it managed to get out of their way I do not know. I caught it once more and popped it back in the box! Come the evening I saw dad in my back garden so raced to the front to get it. It happily hopped round the garden but no sign of dad despite its cheeping. It certainly kept Milkshake alert - she kept pawing at the glass door to try and get to it! 
I'm afraid as I'm a day behind I can tell you now it was dead in the morning. At first I couldn't see it and thought maybe it had managed to hop up the plants and fly out - but then I discovered it down the steps to my back gate. I've no idea if it was the one that flew into my glass door a few days ago, I had seen an adult with 2 fledglings in my front garden the following day.  Do so hope they are more lucky with their next brood. 
This plant is in my back garden - forgotten it's name and for a long time it just had leaves, but last year it flowered and even more so this year. Reminds me of spiders or maybe aliens!!

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