Mother’s Ruin

These presentation bottles of gin, given by young neighbours in exchange for an evening’s baby sitting, are more welcome to this Lady at this time in her life than a handful of beans which might have come her way 50 years ago for doing the same service.
The tonic water has been purchased and an afternoon with a gin and tonic to hand, sitting in the sunshine, seems a rather nice way to spend Bank Holiday Monday.

Earlier a (wolf) whistle from beyond the railings alerted me to David and Luca passing on their way into town. It didn’t take much persuasion for them to walk the extra yards and join me on the patio to eat the sandwiches they had with them. After they left, a neighbour stopped by to chat when he saw His Lordship and I relaxing in the sun;quite a social whirl.

Life takes on a whole new dimension when the weather is good. If only we had the expectation for it to continue being good , everything would be perfect.

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