Dormant? It Didn't Get The Memo!
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I can't believe I forgot to post this yesterday. I guess I've been putting things up a day behind and it caught up with me. I had another sleepless night but I've finally accepted that I'm in a full blown state of mania and called my psychiatrist, who immediately adjusted my medication.
Today's blip is dedicated to another blipper, TucsonJim. His fabulous blip shows a Phoebe posed on the tip of a leafless ocotillo. Wnen I asked him where all the leaves where, he told me the ocotillo were dormant now, and thus, leafless.
I guess the first year blooming ocotillo in my front yard doesn't want to quite give up for the season. Neither do my neighbors'. Maybe it's the difference in our elevations. I'm between 3000-3200 feet.
So TucsonJim, if you stop by my blip, let me know your elevation (or your best guess). There's got to be a reason for the differences.
Oh, and everyone should check out his journal. You'll love his work!
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