Home Sweet Home
It's hard to conceive that not too many years ago this was probably someone's home. It is out the back of Wanaka a bit, just off one of the more major roads.
Of course back then there would have been a garden of sorts and maybe even a dog or three tied up out the back and the owners/users would have been farming. The Boss did not like to trespass to get a look inside which is probably filled up with agricultural stuff but he did think it looked a little lonely and deserved a Blip.
The day started wonderfully weather wise but the morning was taken up with SeniorNet which The Boss delivers (computing for older folk) and the afternoon was social time with some friends of The Bossess so stick time is on hold until tomorrow and I had to make do with a ride in Suzz to this location, sussed out earlier, and watch while The Boss and camera made clunking noises...Er.. well the camera made noises and the Boss was there...OK...Right.
The day was complete when we then rode to the supermarket and I got some Dentastix and The Boss got assorted food including cheese. Very easy to detect this. Tasty for sure.
Executive summary.....BORING!
I am just going to do the cold nose in neck thing even earlier tomorrow until they get the message. Sigh
To quote the lovely German guard in Hogans Hero's (remember his name)?
...Ve have veys.....heh heh heh
Do come in for tea?
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