Trotternish Boats

The day started off much brighter for us so we thought we might do the Trotternish circuit so headed into Portree and up the east side. We hadn't gone very far before the rain came in and we decided to abort, for today at least. We've done that trip in poor visibility before and know it isn't worth doing in those conditions. I took a few shots of the Old Man of Storr peeping out from behind clouds and stopped again at this little lochan (Edit: Loch Fada) which was as calm as it could be. The hills to the left are where the Old Man would be.

We went south and the weather improved again so we investigated some woollen and sheepskin shops and then went down to the Talisker Distillery. There was a bit of a wait for a tour so we got tickets for tomorrow. We drove on to Talisker Bay and walked a fair way from the end of the track down to the beach. The scenery is amazing with towering rocks on each side but the beach wasn't as impressive as I'd hoped. Still we got some good exercise to help us feel we've earned our supper.

On our way home I saw a large bird in the sky ands for once it didn't have that 'buzzardy' jizz. The car in front of me pulled in and got out and I did the same. My binoculars were handy and I hopped out to look. I was very pleased to see that it was a Golden Eagle. Although I've seen them when I was a youngster this is the first I've seen on my more recent trips to the highlands.

Thanks very much for all the presents you've left on my last couple of blips. Internet is very slow here so I'm struggling to upload and to do much in the way of commenting.

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