Morning After

... the 2000th.  Time sure flies!  A THOUSAND THANKS again for dropping by yesterday!  ... And also for putting up with my blog.  I think one day I will take a break, maybe when I sense, in a way, that my mother is no more, because this day-to-day ritual is actually for her.  Fat chance she will read it, though.

A break today for 'other things' like 'not much'.  AW is in his favourite spot in the garden, which is the waterfront.  It is so relaxing next to the willow trees, watching the ducks and swans float by.

Finished The Unnecessary Woman ... what a tale that was!  Starting next week, I believe I'll be reading Nobel prize winner Patrick Modiano.  I'll also be returning to the European Culture and Politics MOOC.  Must toughen up my resolve to finish it.  I can think of a lot of other things to do than work or think about work, but I cannot get the damn thing out of my head, and that already says a lot about the state I'm in.  Will definitely push for the 4-day arrangement, especially as the new curriculum simply isn't working.  We already know where we'll be moving to after the summer and I've already googled the spot and figured out where I could park my car.  For free, mind you.  One of these days, I will drive to the location myself and check it out.

One more day to enjoy.  One more day of good weather.  I dread thinking about Monday, it is like a spectre hanging over my head.  Doing my best to enjoy the now, suddenly finding it quite a challenge.

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