A Bit Of A Dry Day

Photographically speaking.
Actually - it was dry weather wise too. Not quite as warm as yesterday but very nice none the less.
After doing a bit of sanding and sealing and dragging SWMBO out of her bed we headed East to get cheap(er) fuel which also gives better mileage and so SWMBO could try and get a new roasting pan - one which you can also put on the hob so you can make gravy with the juices from the roast.
It would appear that these days you can't get such things over the counter. People obviously don't make real gravy these days.

The only pictures I have taken have been of the dry orchid flowers .... which SWMBO plonked a pineapple on!

This evening it is babysitting for the monsters, who have returned from a very hectic weekend. Hopefully things will be okay overnight as The Cygnet is away to bed not felling well. In fact I have just given him Calpol after hearing him lying in bed crying. Hopefully he will be better tomorrow and we will be able to get him out in the fresh air.

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