creative lenna

By creativelenna

This was my favorite . . .

. . . but I had 2 other favorites, which I'll add as extras: Steve catching a Mojarra and one of the 2 pileated woodpeckers I saw in the oak tree that overhangs the river. From the description in that link, it looks like we had both a male & a female visiting. It is definitely mating/nesting season here. The mockingbirds seem to sing for hours and hours! Steve looked this behavior up and read that during nesting season they do this to protect their nest.

All is well - calm, like the main photo of the river . . . Steve will be getting ready for his hip replacement over the next day or so with testing tomorrow and fasting the night before the surgery. We are confident all will go well with the team he'll have at the hospital. Looking forward to easier moving days ahead! 

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