Five things

By fivethings

Boxing aficionados

1. Not only is this picture total garbage, faffing about to take it made me late for work as I missed the train by seconds. Still, I've never lived in a close that gets decorated for halloween before. These are the spiders. The pumpkin is cut and ready to be lit later.

2. I start hearing murmurs about an Uncle Frank as lunchtime approaches. Uncle Frank, it turns out, is the name of a bagel from Where the Monkey Sleeps and is delivered care of Jess and Helena with lashings and lashings of ginger beer.

3. An after work trip to Dundee, dark and gloomy but great blethers with Simon.

4. An extraordinarily good meeting with one of our Champions. I think we are stunned by how great this small thing is.

5. Beautiful Burnout. Love it.

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