
By JanetH

Green hedgehog??

... no? Ok, why have I taken a picture of a one inch piece of moss? Because it kept asking me to! For the last few weeks I have seen this on my doorstep and wondered if it would make a good blip. I felt it was asking me to take its picture! So this morning when I returned home and it asked me again ... on a very wet and miserable day, lacking in inspiration, knowing I wouldn't be able to get out anywhere else I decided to give it a go.

I went inside to get my camera but as I came out thinking about apertures etc I fell down the steps! I put my hand out to save myself but that was the hand with my camera in. Thankfully the extension tube was on and the only bit with a dent in is the filter holder ring! Phew!

Viewing large shows up the water drops.

I do think it looks like a sleepy green hedgehog! (Steve - I've obviously been reading too much of your journal!!!)

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