Billy Goat

By billygoat

Wet boots

What a day!
A visit to the dentist - all OK.
Then off to the boat to check up on the damage done when we got a rope round the prop from a floating fender as we came up to our buoy on Sunday.
Suitably attired and in the company of one who knows the ways of Essex mudflats we did splatter and squelch our way towards the boat sat high and dry on her little gravel bank.
As we approached we realised there was nothing round the prop - a few strands of thread were still on the shaft but the fender and its piece of rope had come off. A check suggests all is well with the prop and shaft and so we splatched our way shoreward again.
After lunch it was off to do an impromptu "survey" on a boat in Maldon for a fellow Blipper.
Alas not a happy vessel, she had issues one might say and the prospective buyer is still seeking his ideal boat.

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