Bank holiday

A lovely hot and sunny bank holiday spent in Lincoln today. We haven’t visited since James left university and it was great to go back and reminisce with the children. We saw all our old favourite haunts some of which are no longer there. The university has grown huge too after years of considerable funding.

We took the children up steep hill and had an ice cream at the top from our favourite ice cream parlour. The top of the hill is home to the caste and cathedral and is steeped in history. We went into the castle and did the castle wall walk which we’ve never done before. The views from the top were amazing. With Lincolnshire being so flat you could see for miles and miles! We went into the dungeons and they were so spooky, especially as it was one person down the ladder at a time! I didn’t like going by myself! Back out in the fresh air there were some world war re-enactments going on in the castle grounds. We listen to a talk about fighter pilots and had a look inside the cockpit of a spitfire.

Back down the hill for a late lunch/early tea at Nando’s on the quayside. It was a perfect spot for Alexander as we could see the boats on the water and across the other side was the railway line. Boats and trains = little boy heaven!

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