Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Busy bee ..

Early start over to my sisters to collect AJ and take her back home to Dorset. She’s had a full packed few days and best of all spent time with her sister.

Dropped in at her flat to put her suitcase in, check any post and make sure the shopping list was complete.

Stopped off for lunch at the local Beefeater - salad for me, curry for AJ :)

Next stop the supermarket. This is not AJ’s regular supermarket and so the layout is not familiar to her. Got everything on the list (plus a few bits more ....). Home to put shopping away and sit down for a well earned ice cream - another hot day so very welcoming. Bees enjoying the beautiful azalea in the garden at AJ’s :)

Paperwork, birthday cards and phone calls completed before making my trip home. Traffic a tad busy but it was coming up for “Home time” when I left so took a bit longer.

Lovely day, got a lot done - back to work tomorrow :)


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