Cat in a Bath!
This is Sammy, a lovely cat that adopted Mrs B and I a while back.
We already had a couple of cats at the time but were aware that food was disappearing overnight and there were reported sightings of an unfamiliar black cat in the neighbourhood. We did our best to gently dissuade this intruder from our garden but didn't have much success.
On a visit to our local vet with one of our own cats, I noticed an appeal notice for a lost cat in our area called Sammy accompanied by a badly photocopied picture.
I hurried home and explained to Mrs B that our visitor was none other than the lost Sammy and we should try to catch him and return him to his owner.
Over the next days and weeks we spent ages leaving him food and trying to encourage him to come to us. It became apparent that he was in a sorry state, hungry, dirty with matted fur and his back end was hanging low.
Eventually Mrs B gained his trust and he would come to us, eating and allowing us to pet him but now we had to return him to his owners. Mrs B popped into the vets to get more details but returned shaking her head.
The picture looked nothing like our visitor and the lost cat in question had been found and reunited with his owner.
So what to do with our visitor?
Never in doubt really, he lived with us happily ever after and we couldn't really call him anything else now could we?
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