
By Tardy

Am back.

Am sorry it's been so long, but life has been a little interesting lately. Thanks to Red and co for the encouragement.

As you can see from the blip I had a bit of a surprise in August. Am due to become a mum to a baby girl in April! Very scary thought! There has been a lot of thinking, planning and just getting on with things.

I've sold the flat, been made redundant and moved in with dad and the wicked step mother (temporarily! Until I can get somewhere else to live). It's taken me a while to get my head round the whole thing, but now that I have it's great!!! I'm going to be a Mum! Wow!!!

Anyway, enough about me. Hows the world of blip! It's soooo big these days! There are sooo many new faces! I'll try and catch up as fast as I can!

Have a great weekend everyone!!

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