Happy Daze

By Dazed

Pico de Gallo

Yes it's Saturday night which is fast becoming Fajita night. Ooooh I love fajitas, yum yum.

I am always looking for ways to improve things when I cook them and quite recently I started making my own pico de gallo which really makes a difference. I used to always buy salsa from the supermarket but this takes five minutes to prepare and tastes sublime. Plus it's got more nutritional value innit.

Tomatoes, shallot and coriander, all finely(ish) chopped and a good grinding of salt and pepper. Some people add chilli too but I am cooking some in with the chicken and am a bit of a chilli wuss. I took this picture before I mixed it all up - going to go and get the chicken ready now!

Goodbye January....spring is getting that little bit closer.

Also, forgot to mention that I backblipped yesterday here.

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