First light.

Up early for the Dawn Chorus in our local Woodland this was the moment an hour later when the sun hit the base of this Birch tree.

The birds were in good form with Robin and Blackbirds calling very early around 4:05  soon joined by Dunnock and all the others as the sun came up. Soon there were Chaffinches, Wren, Chiffchaffs, Willow Warblers, Blackcaps, Song Thrushes and the other residents plus a few discorant calls from Pheasants and Jackdaws.

The real treat was to hear a rare visitor just in from Africa  a Wood Warbler - I did get a tip off about this from local birder  Tom McKinney who you can currently hear reading his essays on migration on BBC Radio 3 all this week Link to Episodes

I didn't see it clearly enough to photograph but did record the song Video stored on iPernity

Not all the birds were singing and two of the nice ones I saw appeared to be silent  a Treecreeper and another new arrival a beautiful Male Redstart - worth climbing the hill just to see that one bird!

I also saw Roe Deer which other people who are more used to getting up early tell me are regulars.  I could have taken a photograph it would have been a lovely silhouette BUT I just looked the deer looking at me!

I am adding this a couple of days late as I have been asleep a lot and a little poorly most likely because of a Birch tree pollen allergy !!!!

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