
The football club have been leaving the tyres they use for training out again.
The bloody things get rolled about and dumped all over the place so they just go and get more.
PUT THE DAMNED THINGS AWAY! ............. it will make life easier for everybody!

I came across a couple of murder scenes while walking PD today ...... one was a headless chicken pigeon - and the other was Barbie. I think Ken may be the first suspect.

We had our final 2 competitions at the camera club this evening (1 was a portfolio of 4 images linked by a common theme - the other a phone picture which could only be modified on the phone).
Mrs Mac had 4 macro shots of plants.
The judge would have hated the one i took today ...... it isn't sharp from front to back,
Being a died in the wool landscape photographer he wasn't impressed with my extremely contrasty black and white images on the 3 bridges over the Forth, although he did like the fact that they hung together well as a portfolio.
He also hates cats with a vengeance (his choice of words) and kicked an excellent picture of a cat into touch just because of that.

I stand by my mantra "The Judge Is An Idiot".

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