Just a parrot's life

By ellenparrots

Update Tommy

Today we went to the university clinic to our avian specialist dr. Yvonne van Zeeland for a check up. Tommy is troubling with hormones / behaviour issues and that is probably the reason he still has problems pooping in his cage and hold his poop way too long. There was a period he didn't poop at all but now during my working day mostly one or two. That is why he had bacterial infections and antibiotics 4 times already. The last one (flagyl) till yesterday and Yvonne again saw way too many bacteries of the same kind under the microscope. Not funny She sent it to the lab to create a culture of growth. He also got a new hormone implant to regulate the hormones in his tiny body. Ollie joined us just for a short check up...everything was okay! Tommy was such a good boy. #avianhealth #avianveterinarian #avianspecialist#diergeneeskundeutrecht #facultyutrecht #greyparrot #africangrey #parrots#Yvonnevanzeeland
Earlier updates via:https://www.facebook.com/ellen.uittenbogaard/posts/10209490045328558

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