Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

Stick-y Situation

You may recall that I had a cortisone injection in my left hip back in January to help ease the pain I’d been experiencing It worked brilliantly for 4 or 5 weeks but, since then, it’s progressively worn off, the pain has returned and walking has become increasingly awkward. For the past few weeks I’ve been walking with a stick, which has helped a lot - but, much to my annoyance, made ‘camera-wrangling’ particularly tricky! The situation clearly isn’t going to improve.

I went back to see the consultant today and he’s now listed me for a hip replacement - which could take place in a minimum of 4 months and a maximum of 18 or so... who knows?

I’m not looking forward to the operation at all but I’m REALLY looking forward to being properly mobile again - and to roaming about once more in search of free-range photo opportunities!

Meanwhile... groove with me to Louis Armstrong and the Mills Brothers as they perform ‘My Walking Stick’

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