Plug plants

I bought these on a whim. You know when you see an advert that says '72 lavender plants for £1' so you get drawn in, then before you know it, plug plants are plopping through the letter box. It's the first time I've bought them, but I'll see if they survive after my potting up, before I decide whether I do it again. I do love lavender though, it reminds me of my nan. I've just remembered though, that any I've tried growing before has died. Hmm.

Work was the usual busy busy. A quick walk around the shops at lunchtime and left at 5.

So tired when I got in tonight at 6, I fell asleep. I dozed until 8 then made myself go outside and pot up the plug plants. Checked on the blue tit who is still sitting on her eggs, and had words with the chickens who all seem to have gone broody now!

I've had toast for dinner. It's not dieting food but it's what I fancied.

The hayfever is just starting...

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