I went to the woods to go for a little walk after work. It was very dark and windy. At one point, I was photographing a deer when I heard a crash. I started looking for an animal that could have made that sound (sasquatch perhaps?). What I did find was a huge tree that completed uprooted and fell over. Very odd and a little worrying. I spotted a squirrel's nest in the branches so tried to see inside the nest but the branches from other trees that had been hit when this one fell, started creaking and groaning. Being hit by a limb is not my idea of fun so I left the area quickly.
Then I spotted movement in the woods. Out popped....Rocky! The first 'wood raccoon' of the season. What a pixie little face he/she has. Very cute but also very brazen as you can see by how she approached me. When I heard people coming, I stood up quickly and pretended to be interested in a turkey (!). The gig was up when Rocky came peeking out again. Instantly, the girls started holding out peanuts for her. I asked for them not to as last year a raccoon bit a child who was feeding it and the conservation officers had to remove all the raccoons from the area (I actually said exterminated to prove a point). The girls said, "Ok we won't" and proceeded to throw handfuls of peanuts. I guess I wasn't clear enough.... :(
A bit of a manic day at work as we were short three staff but we got through the day. Phew! E was extra silly when he realized that I would be with him all day. Spontaneous hugs are always well received ; )
Have a great Friday tomorrow!!
D x
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