Hobbs's Run

By hobbs

Blues Point Panorama

Greetings to all of my Blip mates. Please accept my apologies for the extended break. I am sorry to say that I had reached the point where the desire had faded and I just needed to get it back with a good long break from routine. I had been looking in from time to time but my actual comments had been rare. Well I feel motivated once more and I plan to post everyday, if I can. Expect a visit soon.

Even though I had been absent from these pages, I'd still been using the camera quite a bit. It's just that few results seemed worth the posting. Some efforts were better than others however so don't be surprised to see a sprinkling of backblips across the dates of my absence in the weeks to come.

Anyway, now that cooler weather prevails,  I have been strolling the northern shore of Sydney Harbour, west of the bridge. This pano was taken from Blues Point looking east - back toward McMahon's Point, Milson's Point and the entrance to Lavender Bay. Trying viewing in LARGE if you would.

I am on a monochrome kick just at present - that being the current theme of the Blackheath Photo Group. The assignment is to shoot black and white using in camera processes - something I have rarely done before. It is proving to be a useful learning experience. The big challenge is to avoid banding during post processing and to manage without digital b&w filtration - which you can only really use when converting from colour..

As a bonus I have included an extra pano - this time from McMahon's Point. 

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