Bluebells in Bearsted Woodland Trust

Some days you struggle for a blip, others they come along thick and fast. I thought today’s blip would come from Sissinghurst Castle Gardens where we returned again with to take Doreen to visit these world famous gardens.

It was only a few weeks since we were last there with Al and Liz but Doreen was keen to visit the gardens. We called in at Millgate Garden Centre for lunch where, amongst other stuff we had a very good scone and coffee.

Sissinghurst was not to provide today’s blip, the much closer location on Bearsted’s Woodland Trust provided this magnificent show of bluebells. This land was gifted to the Trust by Miss Pauline Moore and is also the location of those wood carvings created from fallen trees that I have posted earlier. We’d never seen bluebells here before so you could imagine our surprise and enjoyment as we rounded a corner and came across this lovely little grove of bluebells tucked away in a corner of the field.

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