Eleanors photos

By Eleanoragain

I am the God of HellFire, and I bring you fire...

(Crazy world of Arthur Brown)

Well, almost.

These very burnt out and incredibly dangerous fuses from our mains box have been the cause of the horrible smell in our larder. Age related wear & tear, and it had burnt through these 4, and slightly scorched 2 more.

I eventually tracked it down at 4.30 this afternoon, and by 6 we had a lovely electrician saying -
'Hmmmm, we'll have to turn everything off while I try to fix this, yes, NOW. I'm not leaving you with this.. you've been very lucky...it was smouldering...I've never seen one smouldering before...'

So thank whoever is looking after us - I have been having post emergency shakes and will probably have the 'What if.....' horrors for a few days.

Anyway - all done. Safe. No smell. House not burnt down. Nice electrician coming back in a couple of weeks to fit a new mains board (ours 15 yrs old) which will have a cut out switch for if anything goes wrong.

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