We are off tomorrow!!

You were going to see a cold wet dove in a tree, but what kind of a start to November is that and he will be around for the next few months, so he was side-lined by some cheerier faces!!

These rascals will be off to new homes tomorrow. This young man (R) will have his second birthday soon, so book and card for him. The monkey is for his new baby brother. The rabbit hiding behind the bag is adamant that he is not getting in the bag, as he is going to live with a lady and 3 dogs!!!! If one of those dogs touches him he will........not sure, probably cry :0(

I'm feeling loads better as you may well appreciate. No tablets today!! B's phone alarm went off at 6am, why, I've no idea, but I went back to sleep. Slow start after that but gathered momentum as the day went on.

Actions for the day, not necessarily in this order:
Resigned from my part-time job... a story, but I'm a lady of principle not to be messed with!!
Agreed to be a member of a working party..... will all be email stuff as we are scattered around the world!!
Complained about poor service and got a refund!! (a first)
Ordered some books... not more...I have loads to read already.
Agreed to talk to a sewing group about my new "sock" activities!! Might lead to more things!!
Signed up for the Christmas pudding preparation and sales day!!
Updates for the Nurses League website and emails to all!!

Plus loads more.. that's why I'm blipping after 9.30pm and haven't had much time to comment today, will catch up at the weekend.

PS On reading this I think I'm begining to sound like my daughter!!! Just a lot sloooooweer!!

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