Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

For Silly Saturday today...

...I give you the book I am reading at the moment...
Ian McMillan is "The Bard of Barnsley" and he is keeping me laughing out loud as I accompany him on his journey "in search of the meaning of Yorkshire" via his book Neither Nowt nor Summat. I recommend it to all Yorkshire blippers - but it would probably mystify anyone who didn't have a close connection with the county...
A friend from Yorkshire bought it for my last birthday but I have only just managed to wrestle it back from Roy, who has been chuckling away at it for months now! She reckons we've been living here long enough to just about have it sussed by now... a mere 35 years!
It reminds me a bit of Stuart Maconie's Pies and Prejudice: in search of the north - another wonderful book full of humour ;)

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