The Early Bird...

Squishier worm in Large.  Now doesn't that sound enticing... :)

This morning I went to a park that was a go-to for birds this winter, though has been empty lately.  I almost didn't stop, but from the road, I spotted two mute swans preening along the river.  Decision made, I quickly changed lanes and  I made my way to the river.  

After a long and fun photo shoot with the swans, I noticed an American robin in the grass.  It seemed curious about me (or my camera) so I snapped a few of it as well.  Then the worm came into play... That tipped the scales in the robins favor.  I added a (slightly soft) tug of war shot and a pretty poser in extras.  The swans are over on Flickr... some of my favorite swan shots to date.

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