I saw these window panels for the tour de Yorkshire and knew I just had to photograph Katie in them. Bizarrely I only took my phone with me, just for a couple of snaps (why would I do that?!) but we left the house early so that the street was quite quiet and had some fun in the windows. I was glad I did because two days later they’d taken the panels down!

The rest of the day involved a nice amount of not too much - a coffee immediately after the photos. I let her do a “first” and run to the bakery whilst I sat in the coffee shop (directly opposite). It delighted her to have the independence with the security. I didn’t much like the having to let her! But as someone said to me “you can’t keep them tight until they’re 18 and then expect them to function in the world”.... so a little step towards the world for my big girl it was...

Followed by her playing in the toddler area of the museum for nearly an hour of absolute delight! She was also extremely happy to have a long FaceTime with B. Not so long til she’s home now!

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