
Proud mama moment alert.....

Today I had to work. So I dropped Katie at band at 8.45, where she had a good time. Grandad and Granny picked her up and took her home for piano practice and lunch. YYM friends collected Katie early afternoon and took her off to afternoon rehearsals for a big showcase Katie had been invited to perform in. The 35 kids and around 40 adults were catered for by the school director! It wasn’t just sandwiches either.... Katie had fish pie and a pork & pastry product (“it was like a pie but it wasn’t and it wasn’t a pasty”.... and it wasn’t a vol au vent?!) She got herself into her concert pretties without being told or helped. I arrived from work just in time to go let her know I was there. The smile was beautiful.

I was so proud of her tonight- P had asked her, as the youngest student of the school, to introduce the evening before she and J did their beautiful Mozart duets. She was gorgeous. She was so grown up tonight. She stood tall and confident. Though she was clearly smaller and younger than most, she didn’t look little or only have cute factor. She looked beautiful, behaved professionally and played with maturity. I was so pleased to have managed to make it in time. P said because she’s only 8 I could take her at the interval- which didn’t even start until 9- as we had a 90 min drive home and she has music school at 9am.

She’s done me proud today. The mums who had been around for rehearsals and tea time came up to tell me how well she’d done, how lovely she is. She’s made two nice friends at YYM and they were all three fabulous tonight.

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