
By BryanImagining

Day 1, 500 calorie phase, HCG diet

Last year this time I began an intense "cleanse" called the HCG Diet. After watching the success of my wife and mother before me, I said a typical "guy" thing: "if they can do it..."

I lost 30 pounds in 40 days, dropping to 192# where I find myself today, one year later.

This is the wicked part: except for a few ramp up/down days, you're limited to 500 calories a day. No fats, carbs, sugars.. Impossible but for the homeopathic that increases the hormone HCG in your system and all but eliminates the hunger. This image shows half my daily food. (It's a small skillet).

I would have preferred to delight your visual senses with steam coming from the freshly prepared broccoli, but I couldn't bear the thought of it getting cold as I fumbled with the camera! As it is, the commentary was completed well after the last morsel of steak was consumed ( yep, lean steak. All 100 grams of it. Translation: 5 decent bites)

Here's more info for crazies like me . Goal: 170 pounds. What a blip that'll be...

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