Home is beautiful too
It struck me that we were all overcome yesterday by the lovely setting of the church in Fortingall, with the sun shining on the fields and the south-facing tranquillity of the site. But this morning, as we were drifting down the drive from Holy Trinity Dunoon the beauty of our own site was all around me and reminded me not to ignore it. So here, on another perfect Spring day, is the way our own church looked at midday, with the tree at the door that was so savagely pruned all these years ago once more coming into leaf and blossom and the new leaves on the tall trees framing the almost-empty car park.
And rashly, because I may well run out of my allocation before the end of the year, an extra photo of the gorse on Loch Striven this afternoon simply because it was so impossibly yellow and the sky so impossibly blue ...
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