Face Time

Mum popped over to see me (she was worried)....while she was here the girls face-timed the kids.

Day 14 and I am resting....I need to get over this...its driving me bonkers. I am tempted to speak to the Doc again tomorrow though I'm sure that even if he sends me to A & E  -  they will tell me to go home & wait.

Latest symptoms are burning sensations in my left leg with shooting pains in both hips knees & feet. My legs are still numb & the trouble with staggering around on crutches is that my shoulders & arms & biceps are giving me yet more trouble. Some of it I had before ...some I didn't..............maybe I will wake up in the morning & everything will be fine.

Thanks for dropping in today and for your scattering of stars etc - it means a lot.

Hope you enjoyed your weekend.

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