Sea Eagle

Today's the day .......................... to soar

Woke up to a gloriously clear blue day - perfect for watching the Sea Eagles as they soared and glided in the sky above us.

Also known as the White-tailed Eagle, this is the 4th largest eagle in the world - hunted to extinction in Scotland in the 1920s.  The Outer Hebrides was one of its last strongholds and a pair shot on the Shiant Isles at the beginning of the 20th century is believed to be one of the last breeding pairs in the Scotland. Since its re-introduction in 1975 on the island of Rhum, the sea eagle has re-colonised much of the rugged indented coastline of the Outer Hebrides with the first pair established on Harris in 1983.  The population grew slowly at first but by 2014 there were 25 breeding pairs.  We were privileged to see a pair today.

We left Lewis on the 3.30pm ferry for the two and a half hour crossing to Ullapool with the same glorious weather.  The sea was like a millpond and the views of the Assynt mountains, as we approached the mainland, breath-takingly beautiful as you can see in the extras .............................

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